Sunday, September 18, 2005

I am Fire ...

I have been on a bit of a personal journey these past few weeks ... one of the authors I read has tweaked my interst in developing that personal mission and vision statement for myself (I poked around a little with this when we were working on our Strategic Plan at work). One of the exercises asked me to select which of the four basic elements: wind, water, earth & fire ... were most like me... and then, to build on the idea with descriptive words and verbs which would become a kind of story poem about me. This is what I discovered:

I am fire.
Consuming fire, full of heat, light, and power,
Sometimes dangerous, unpredictable, angry, and volatile, yet
Glowing, mezmerizing, full of light, and colors:
White, yellow, orange, red, and blue.
Persistent, indestructable, and swift.
Cleansing, refining, purifying fire,
Respected and often feared.

I, Irmgarde, am fire.
I can destroy, consume and burn
But I also transform, change and refine.
I warm others.
I heat up situations.
I am a cleansing change agent.
I illumine dark places.
I glow.
I crackle!
I flame.
I light the way.

A work in progress:

My mission is to inspire meaningful change, build faith, and connect people with resources that can make a difference in their lives.

What do you think?