Too many blogs ... too many projects ... too many thoughts ... ah well.
Today... let's look at today. I am working on a new "overall" project from David Allen's GTD (Getting Things Done)... in other words, I'm trying to organize my life (again!) har har. Actually, I am more hopeful this time as the system is more holistic and covers both my work life and my home life. I'm even teaching a class on Monday (oh my) on this topic. Actually, I did this to myself on purpose... learn by teaching and doing at the same time. It keeps me focused.
On Thursday, Feb 7th, I'm back to teaching a Bible Study, this time, based on a workbook by Nancy Leigh DeMoss... I have some issues with this, but I'm working through it. I hope to talk to Craig about the tension between being humble ... I mean, there's a Catch22 here... if you say you're humble, you're not, etc. Again, the class is keeping me in the Word and that's a good thing, despite the extra stress. More on this at the Wisdom Seekers blog.
I'm trying to get some of the Africa pictures ready for Rachelville. Actually, Rachelville started out as a website and pictures by a very sick little girl who created it while struggling leukemia and a number of other mind-boggling ailments. She died May 17, 2000. Sometime later, her parents discovered Second Life, a virtual world where they could create Rachel's dream in a simulated environment. I have entered this new virtual world through the library and by the by, met Rachel's father, Bill Sowers, known as Rocky Vallejo in Second Life and he has offered me an opportunity to display some of the kids' pictures from Africa. We hope to complete this project by the first of February. I will be talking more about this project as well as the follow-up photograpy project on the Children of Heaven blog.
Today is catch up on all the blogs. It's time.
Oh, by the way, my heart is ... well, I don't know, it feels pretty good. I am more content with myself than I have ever been. And that's a good thing!