Oh, as we get older the body certainly does put a crimp in the old lifestyle. Endoscopy results were not great ... GERD for sure! Lovely. And inflamed esophagus and stomach lining. Doc took a biopsy. Yuk. Results in 10 days. Ok, Lord. Help me "make meaning" of all this.
Bible Study class tonight... in general, I think it's going well. Losing a few here and there, I'll be surprised if there are 10 by end... 12 weeks (plus the lost weeks now, make 15) is a long time to commit to a study. It's a good study, I think, and gives me some flights of fancy.
Last night, taught my new "Get Organized & Get Things Done" mini-workshop based on David Allen's GTD book. That went well although I had to laugh because most of the people in the class were retired. That's not a good sign. I figured I'd have lots of time to get organized by then. :-)
This weekend is busy for the kids... Lily goes to the Reunion gathering for Chrysalis, Saturday, Lily & Sergei go to 4th day workshop to learn about being on a team, and Kip, all weekend is in lifeguard training. Their lives are starting to look like mine.