Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Strategic Planning

We're working on our Strategic Plan at work and at one point, the facilitator said, "Our family does Strategic Planning each year" and I thought, "Gad! What would that look like?"

He introduced us to the term: BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal). Funny. What would a BHAG be for a family since it's supposed to be for many years out... 10-15. Ten years from now, all of our kids would pretty much be out of the nest (at least, we hope so!). I guess each person in the family would have their own BHAG. I might try this for myself... just to see how it feels for me.

A BHAG is something you are deeply passionatle about... it drives the engine. In some ways, I almost feel like I am operating on a BHAG but it's just not written down on paper... it's why we're adopting and renovating and why I'm creating a personal space.

The other thing we did at work was create "core purpose." That's the reason for being. It's the thing that should have been true 50 years ago (well, that's babyhood, so that's no good)... so how about, 30 years ago ... and would still be a core purpose 30 years hence. I think I'd have to draw from scripture for that one... Something one continually pursues but may never fully achieve .... a worthy pursuit, but broad enough in wording to encompass a wide range of methods for walking it out.

A Core Purpose: Love the Lord our God with all my heart, soul, and strength.... and my neighbor as myself.

And after core purpose, comes core values... the essential and enduring and guiding principles. Gonna think about that one at bit.

A Core Value:
Forgiveness.... forgive others who fail me; forgive myself for mistakes.
Help ... use my abilities, talents, and gifts to help others

Oh, on a different note, but related to my space... I got a book yesterday on "Building Women's Altars." It's definitely a little New Age, but I love the concept of building an altar in my room. It would, of course, have Christ as a focus, but there would be other items there that would, not only draw me closer to Him, but also center my spirit and focus my thoughts. I could place items of significance there - photographs and tokens and memories. And, even more intriguing... the idea of the altar changing ... like seasonally or whatever. I have a place picked out in my room. Since my desk is in the middle of the room ... opposite my computer monitor rhere is a corner where the closet juts into the room. Yes, there. My eyes would rest there often.

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