Hello everyone. We're here and truly, it's fabulous!
Many of our fears were completely unwarranted in that we have felt very safe and secure while here. The small hotel is lovely and the staff very cooperative and supportive. We even discovered that one of the families we met on an adoption listserv is staying here in the same hotel. This morning, we had breakfast together and shared stories. Later this morning, we ran into each other again at the Ministry of Education and behold, we found the attorney they are using to be the one we considered using in January with the same translator we met in the U.S. as well. It was great to see Irina again.
Last night, we had our first dinner in St. Petersburg at a very good restaurant called "The Idiot." Mike said it was appropriate (har-har), but it's really based on the Doestoesvky novel theme. While there, a young man must of found our efforts to speak Russian funny, because he sent us two complimentary orders of Russian hors d'oeuvres. The server said she had never seen such a thing. We figured it was a good omen.
After our Ministry of Education interview, which went very well this morning, Julia, our agency rep. drove us out to the orphanage. It was pretty depressing... about what I expected. The building is quite old and dilapidated, although you can see several efforts to brighten the halls with student-drawn murals and the like. Finally, that long awaited moment came as Lily came flying down the hallway and into my arms. I was quite tearful, of course... it was so just great to hold her and touch her at last. Off to one side, I saw two of her friends, also crying. After much waiting and talking and meeting with orphanage staff (social worker, medical personnel, and the director), we were approved plus Lily is allowed to spend every day with us from now until we leave Saturday (from Noon or so until 8 pm). We are thrilled. And so, we had several hours alone time with her today including taking her out for pizza and ice cream.
It's been kind of halting with lots of gestures and lots of looking up of words in the dictionary, but it doesn't matter, we are just enjoying our time together.
We have learned that the director AND assistant director of the orphanage are leaving this week and being replaced next week. There is no way to know if this is a good thing or not. If the new director is supportive of adoptions in general, this will help our cause and we could be back in 6 weeks, if not, we could looking at long delay ... even into September. This is a specific need for prayer to all of you.
Well, I'd better close. God bless you all. Thanks to everyone for your prayers. More tomorrow.
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