Saturday, June 03, 2006

Home With No Luggage

We arrived home from Berlin/Potsdam via Frankfurt on Thursday evening but our luggage didn't make it. I guess, when we almost missed our flight (our connection time was squeezed by a late arrival) and we raced through the airport but our bags lagged behind. Fortunately, they are due to arrive here by FedEx today.

Our Germany time was simply family time as we acquainted ourselves with Bjoern and Claudia's two children, Lukas (aged 6) and Lydia (pronounced Lyoodia), aged 3. The kids were delightful and clearly bright and creative. My Aunt Gerda was there as well and she, at 68, was avidly practicing her English. We pressed her to come to America next fall for a visit and I think we succeeded if Bjoern comes along. We talked and talked and ate and ate, from a midday sandwich at a local restaurant during a heavy downpour, to "cake and cookies" at a late afternoon tea time, to a hardy dinner at night. I think we gained all of our 5 pounds that day. It was a great time and the best night's sleep!

Now we're adjusting to being home and facing the boys' inevitable, "what's for dinner?" question. As soon as our suitcases arrive, I'll post more pictures.

Other surprises at home included a destroyed license plate from one of the boys "learning to drive" (I won't mention the stop sign's fate), Mike's car in the shop, a malware (software) has hijacked my PC, and the boys are still on "electronic" restrictions. Ah well, systems pretty normal again.

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